¿Debo suspender mi tratamiento para el colesterol? 🩺❌

💊 Los tratamientos para reducir el colesterol, como las estatinas, son clave para prevenir problemas del corazón y derrames cerebrales. Pero ¿qué pasa si dejo de tomarlos temporalmente «descanso»?
🔎 Según estudios recientes (1) y (2):
Suspender el tratamiento puede aumentar los niveles de colesterol «malo» (LDL) y revertir los beneficios logrados.
Esto incrementa el riesgo de infartos, derrames y otros eventos cardiovasculares graves.
Además, las fluctuaciones en los niveles de colesterol están relacionadas con un mayor riesgo de complicaciones.
✅ ¿Cuál es la solución?
La clave está en ser constante. Los beneficios iniciales se ven en 6 meses, pero mantener el tratamiento a largo plazo es esencial para proteger tu corazón.
👩‍⚕️ Siempre consulta a tu médico antes de hacer cambios en tu medicación. ¡Cuidar tu salud es el mejor regalo que puedes darte! ❤️

Facial Features and Genes

With the hospital founder as a leading cardiac surgeon, MedicPress has been able to establish itself as the ultimate destination for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of all kinds of heart and vascular diseases and their treatment. Here, almost all types of cardiovascular disorders are treated including coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart muscle disease, heart failure, heart valve disease, peripheral vascular disease and all kind of defects.

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At MedicPress, we provide excellent pediatric care to children in the city and adjacent areas for about half a century now. Our medical care extends to infant, children, and adolescents. Built on a foundation of caring, expert knowledge and accessibility, we have the right size to give proper attention to both parents and children which are something that they need as well as deserve.

Wrinkle Correction

Walk into the outpatient rehabilitation section of MedicPress hospital to experience a full range of occupational and physical therapy services using specialized expertise in the modern environment with state-of-the-art equipment. The entire core of the services focuses on one person as an individual and moving heaven and earth to help him fight his unique circumstances and challenges and emerge a winner with our complete support.